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3DS strategy RPG Tales of the World: Reve Unitia got its first trailer at the Tales of Festival 2014 this weekend. It is scheduled for a Japanese release on October 23, 2014. A Bandai Namco representative has informed us that there are currently no plans to bring it West.

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It's official: Tales of Hearts R is coming to the west. It'll be out for Vita in Winter 2014.

The 3DS is getting a new Tales of the World RPG in Japan, reports Weekly Shonen Jump (via ANN). The game, called Tales of the World: Reve Unitia, will star several characters from past Tales games, and takes place on Revaria, "a dream world linking the Tales franchise together."

Namco Bandai confirms Tales of Zestiria for North and South American release. The 20th anniversary commemorative entry in the prolific Tales role-playing franchise, which we got our first look at earlier this morning, will eventually make its way to PlayStation 3 consoles in all of the Americas. Read more
