The latest screenshot from Super Smash Bros. Wii U, shared by Masahiro Sakurai, raises a few questions. Compared to the other female characters, shouldn't Samus be much taller and more robust? And what on earth is Peach doing at the end of the line? Read more

It looks like the Pilotwings stage will be a great one in Super Smash Bros. Wii U. Mario probably freaked out when he realized he's on a plane, chased by The Villager, who doesn't seem to care much about the heights. Read more

Despite being his year, everyone's beloved second banana can't keep up with the Wii Fit Trainer on Masahiro Sakurai's new Smash Bros. screenshot. Or is that some sort of an attack move disguised as an excercise? Read more

Kirby is acting like a face-hugger on top of poor Samus in Masahiro Sakurai's latest Smash Bros screenshot. The world's first intergalactic pink puffball waddles his way into the battle. Read more

The daily Smash Bros. screenshots on Nintendo's site can easily compete with anything the internet at large has to offer. Take, for example, the one uploaded today. We'll probably never know what's going on in the pic between Mario and the Wii Trainer. They are not fighting, that's for sure.
