Almost two millennia before the rest of humanity entered the industrial age, the Greek inventor Hero invented the…
Almost two millennia before the rest of humanity entered the industrial age, the Greek inventor Hero invented the…
NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer captured this amazing image of the star Zeta Ophiuchi plowing through…
One of the world's most ancient math puzzles, the magic square has traditionally been a numbers game. Electrical…
Why do human children learn to walk so much easier than robots do? Because babies learn to crawl before they walk.…
Imagine turning on your computer from a powerless state and instantly seeing your desktop without having to wait…
In a survey that's sure to be taken the wrong way by somebody, researchers at the Yale School of Medicine have…
We've seen the Xbox 360 Kinect control robots before, but never robots with tasks this important. A group of…
We can't all be Angeline Jolie or Brad Pitt, but what we lack in looks we make up for in brains, right? Apparently…
Do you suck at StarCraft II? Do the intricate combo moves of Street Fighter escape you? Maybe you need an MRI.…
An IBM supercomputer codenamed "Watson" just played two of Jeopardy's greatest human players and emerged the victor.
Video game developers constantly strive to create the most lifelike games imaginable. Stanford physicist Ingmar…
As many as 23 million adults in the United States suffer from tinnitus - a ringing sound in the ears that won't go…
Uranus is a cold and distant world that hasn't been seen up close for 25 years. British scientists propose a plan…
Nearly four and a half years after Pluto was demoted from planet to dwarf planet, astronomers are still trying to…
Though DVDs have been consumer-grade tech for years, it wasn't until yesterday that scientists announced they were…
Think your eyes have no trouble detecting when an object changes color, size, or shape? This new illusion crafted…
In today's Friday fun edition of the daily Kotaku science post, scientists in Israel make women cry and then make…
This 3D model of Bangalore's Garuda Mall would be right at home in a modern video game, but it's much more than…
From playing video games to operating nuclear facilities, focus and attention are key factors in excelling at…
One of the core functions of a computer processor is to perform the basic arithmetical functions of the system. Why…