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This is teaser is titled “Shin Seikimatsu RPG” (Real End Of the Century RPG). It’s for an upcoming PS4 and PS Vita game that’s coming to Japan. IT Media thinks it’s a new Metal Max game. No word on a release date or if it will be out worldwide.

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Rayark’s hit music game Deemo is getting reborn on the PlayStation 4. Tentatively titled Deemo Reborn, the new rhythm action game reimagines the original in full 3D, complete with VR support. There’s no release date info yet, but there is a teaser trailer.

Officially announced last month, PlayStation 4 game Dragon’s Crown Pro was slated for a January 25 release in Japan. It will now be out on February 8. No word yet on an international release. 

The PS4's “5.00" firmware update hit today, and for something called 5.00, it sure is flimsy. With tweaks to messages and a new feature called Team Tournaments, this feels more like an incremental patch than a big update.

Dead Hungry, the VR game from Q-Games, has a PS4 release date. It will be out for PlayStation VR on October 24 and is playable either with the PlayStation Move or the DualShock 4.

The newest patch for excellent, difficult Japanese samurai action game Nioh adds a lot, including new moves and the option to increase your item shortcuts from eight to 16. (Wonderful news for us Onmyo specialists.) Plus, there’s now a way to track which hot springs you’ve bathed in. Handy! Patch notes here.
