I love brain teasers and have ever since I was a kid. Whether they came from books or classic adventure games, I…
The Professor Layton series is one of the staples of the Nintendo DS and its successor, the 3DS. The series has sold…
With the release of Professor Layton and the Azran Legacies this past Thursday in Japan, I've found myself thinking…
2013 is only 1/12th over. With 11 months left and new console news on the horizon, Weekly Famitsu asked its readers…
Mad scientists and evil masterminds are classic villain archetypes, and defeating them is always nerve-wracking.…
For a limited time only, beloved puzzle game series Professor Layton is getting its own chocolate treats in Japan.…
Not that I didn't want it here before. But come on. Professor Layton and Phoenix Wright teaming up to solve…
Akihiro Hino, the guy who runs game maker Level-5, usually looks like he does in this Game Watch Impress photo. Or…
Capped from the recent Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask, this screengrab shows just how badass the good…
Upcoming 3DS game Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney has some special downloadable content available to players once…
Like pumpkin pie and military shooters, Professor Layton has become something of a yearly fall tradition for…
From Paper Mario to Monster Hunter, here's the full sizzle reel shown off during Nintendo's live-streamed Nintendo…
While previous Professor Layton games have featured mostly static, two-dimensional puzzles, Professor Layton and the…
It comes full circle!
While the western hemisphere slept, over in Tokyo our Kotaku East team swarmed the first day of the 2012 Tokyo Game…
Announced last year, Professor Layton VS Ace Attorney is a Level-5 and Capcom crossover between the two logic-based…
Fresh from the TGS showroom floor, here's some gameplay footage of upcoming 3DS title Professor Layton vs. Ace…
Level-5 tells Kotaku that none of its TGS games are confirmed for a Western release.
Professor Layton's adventures are coming to an end, apparently. And they announce that fact proudly in the demo for P…
As if I wasn't going to play the heck out of Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney already, straight out of TGS we've…