It is a far, far lower price I pay now, than I have ever paid before.
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I- I took the one that cost less, And that has made all the difference.
You're gonna love the way you save. I guarantee it.
Now you've saved, and saving is half the battle.
Save now, or forever hold your peace.
'Tis better to have bought and saved than never to have bought at all.
It's the end of the world as Shepard knows it, but you'll feel fine with these deals.
Pre-orders, free stuff, and a Pizza Compass.
You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.
The time to save has come.
I've seen prices you people wouldn't believe. [laughs] Circuit Cities on fire across the country. I watched people…
Elizabeth: Booker... are you afraid of God?
Booker: No, but I'm afraid of paying full price.
This router is known colloquially as the "Dark Knight." Sold.
Videogames and movies. It's the best of both worlds.
Sunday is a good day to save money.
EVE Online's free-to-play PlayStation 3 persistent-world multiplayer shooter counterpart, DUST 514, is officially launching on — wait for it — May 14. Clever, CCP.
Get your games cheaply and watch them cheaply too. Welcome to The Moneysaver.
We've already had some huge sales today in our morning Moneysaver PSA, and now we're bringing you some great…