Back in 2004, DC Comics announced Batman: Europa, a miniseries with art by pencil god Jim Lee that would take the…
2015 has been a hell of a year for the Man of Steel, bringing the biggest changes that the character’s seen in…
Skintight suit with very specific contrasting panels. Poses and artists chosen to highlight her body. Pheromone…
The guy standing next to Doctor Doom is Jonathan Hickman, the comics writer behind Marvel’s big-but-hella-late Secret…
Unlike the big blond guy who preceded her, the woman who’s wielding Mjolnir isn’t immortal. In fact, she’s fighting…
Star Wars canon has changed, and some of that has happened in a new wave of Marvel Comics series. Months ago, we saw…
“And how come you ain’t dead?” “‘Cause God’s a fucking asshole, that’s why.” Sunday school, this is not.
Galactus keeps trying to eat the Earth. A team of the smartest, most powerful heroes around isn’t waiting for him to…
You’re Clark Kent, a little boy who’s way different than your parents or anyone else in your hometown of Smallville.…
Tony Stark is kinda broke. New Captain America Sam Wilson and old Captain America Steve Rogers aren’t talking.…
The guy who was Wolverine for decades of Marvel Comics’ publishing history is dead. The new Wolverine—a female clone…
Superman III was not a good movie. But it gave us an evil Man of Steel who took shots and generally gave no fucks…
The Vision has always wanted to be human. It’s kind of his whole “thing.” This week, he tries again—harder than he…
The X-Men have been fighting each other for a long time. Today, according to a long-delayed X-Men comic originally…
Millions of people use iTunes. Nobody reads the walls of text that show up every time Apple’s music software…
I really hope petty Hollywood bullshit isn’t the reason for the big change in the new Squirrel Girl comic.
Cops work with facts. Evidence comes from things they can see, feel, and hear. But Detective Rowan Black has a foot…
Batman’s had lots of sidekicks over the years. Nightwing, Batgirl and Red Hood have all had gruff, tension-filled…
Steve Rogers used to be Captain America. Then a dramatic plot development made him old and he passed the mantle on…
In the main Justice League comic, some of DC’s preeminent superheroes have become infused with the power of gods.…