Necropolis is a cool-looking game from cool developers that looks cool sitting atop Steam’s top sellers list. It’s…
XCOM 2 is a phenomenal strategy game. The DLC Firaxis has released in its wake, on the other hand, has mostly been…
When it debuted back in 2012, CSR Racing’s bite-sized bouts of drag racing were just the right amount of driving…
If you’ve been intrigued by the idea of messing about with a $9 PC but had no idea what you’d do with it, Next Thing…
Exploration has always been at the heart of the Pokémon series. A young person strikes out on a monster-collecting…
I’m at a convention, and across the hall I see a guy in a blue robot suit. It’s Mega Man! I make my way over to get…
XCOM 2 just got its biggest DLC expansion yet, Alien Hunters. It adds three new “ruler” aliens, which function as…
Riding imaginary roller coasters and losing one’s self in immersive 360 degree environments is all well and good,…
I didn’t expect to get so into StarBreak. It’s a free-to-play sidescrolling MMO—think Contra, but with, like, 30…
If you ask me, The Witcher 3 is the finest RPG of our time. I don’t want to bid it farewell, but CD Projekt’s got…
Battleborn has eight story missions available to play either alone or with a group online. I have completed six. The…
This week IO Interactive released the second episode for their new Hitman game, full title Hitman 6: So You Want To…
You can shut off your brain with some touchscreen games, tapping and swiping mindlessly until something else…
Between its flashy explosions and deep weapon customization, the PlayStation 4's latest co-op action role-playing…
Released this week for iOS and Android, Sailor Moon Drops is everything you every wanted in a Sailor Moon game, as…
It may be a free-to-play mobile port of a browser-based game, but Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ crams a lot of what…
In the middle of my second play through of Ratchet & Clank I realized the re-imagined version had begun to infect my…
Enter The Gungeon has been near the top of the Steam best-seller list for the past couple days, and I get why: it’s…
For the past five days, I’ve spent nearly as much time in virtual reality as real reality. My calves ache and my…