Sundered is a new platforming action game from Thunder Lotus Games, creators of Jotun. It has gorgeous hand-drawn…
The Low Road opens with one of my favorite video game puzzles of the year. The rest of what I’ve played, sadly,…
If the operating system on the PC I used in the ‘90s was anything like the one in Andrew Morrish’s OS/RPG Kingsway,…
Dragon Ball FighterZ made a huge impression when it was first revealed at E3 in June, but it’s currently undergoing…
Wayforward’s half-genie hero, Shantae, is available today as a free downloadable character for Blaster Master Zero on the Switch, and she is a delight to play. Side-scrolling is tough with only her signature hair-whip, but her animal transformations make the top-down segments a joy.
Super Mario Odyssey is a wild, ambitious game. It’s got secrets, dinosaurs, and the type of flawless jumping you’d…
There are better Star Trek video games out there, but none that come close to delivering the immersive cooperative…
At age 16, many teens learn how to drive. When I was 16, I learned the opposite of how to drive, by which I mean I…
Look at a screenshot of Rime. Any screenshot. Take in the swirling colors, the vast oceanside vistas, the stark,…
If you were hoping for something dramatically different from Bungie’s much ballyhooed Destiny sequel, I regret to…
Ravenfield fascinates me. The Battlefield-inspired large-scale FPS just launched on Steam and rocketed to the top of…
My favorite moment in Dead Cells so far came right after I won my first boss fight. I gained the ability to make…
The first Dragon Quest Heroes was a a satisfying combination of Dragon Quest characters and creatures with Dynasty…
After a couple of average linear outings that sold well to the sniping set, CI Games fleshes out Sniper: Ghost…
The movie Office Space struck a chord with just about everyone working in a cubicle environment in the late ‘90s,…
I feel like I’ve just spent two hours poring over the first issue of a Guardians of the Galaxy limited series while…
Capcom’s Disney Afternoon Collection drops this week on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC, bundling together six…
Every time I think I’m getting close to overcoming the brutal learning curve of Rain World, I die.
When Sony says MLB The Show 17 includes a third-person baseball role-playing game, they aren’t exaggerating. I’m not…
A good remake of a retro gaming classic has to evoke the feeling of playing the original while making the game feel…