Back in August, I played Danganronpa on the PSP. While eager to play the sequel, I decided hold back and wait a…
The past week or so, I've had a lot to say about Arcadias no Ikusahime (The Warrior Princess of Arcadias). I've…
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is one of Japan's longest-running and popular weekly manga. The new PlayStation 3 fighting…
Summoned by the swamp witch Metallica to take down her witchy foes, you take control of the Hundred Knight and hack…
Over the years there have been some great (and terrible) Gundam games. But while many games let you pilot a Gundam, G…
Just over a week ago, Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies, the first main series Ace Attorney game in over five years, was…
Pikmin and its sequel were two of the GameCube’s most beloved titles. But over the lifespan of the Wii, no new games…
It’s looking to be a big summer for game industry parody series Neptunia—despite the worrisome event from a few…
With Dragon Crown’s upcoming Japanese release only a few scant weeks away, I decided to take a look back at one of…
In recent years, the Shin Megami Tensei series has found new life in the West thanks to the popularity of spinoff…
Let’s be clear right from the start. Project Diva f on the Vita is an enjoyable music game. It has great music,…
Earlier this week, we took a brief look at Nintendoji, a Nintendo title only available to gold or platinum members…
I spent this past week playing what is currently the best-selling game in the world: the Japan only 3DS game Tomodach…
When I picked up Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus: The Girls' Proof for my Vita, I was filled with existential dread.
When One Piece: Pirate Warriors was released on the PS3, I found myself playing it and enjoying it—despite having…
JRPGs are often a dime a dozen in Japan but late last December, Level 5 released Fantasy Life for the Nintendo 3DS…
Sword Art Online is a massively popular franchise in Japan. Last year it was the best selling light novel series in…
Over the years, there have been many games released in Japan only. Of these, a small number have gone on to become…
I remember watching The Empire Strikes Back, when Luke was training on Dagobah. At one point, he looks over his…
Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix is the newest in a long line of last generation titles being remastered for the current…