The Mistletoe Lane storyline has progressed in FarmVille this evening as a series of six new goals has been released…
A new limited edition quest series has launched in CityVille 2, bringing a reality television show (and its host) to…
While we've already brought you a detailed FAQ about the ChefVille Catering feature, we can now dive into much more…
If you ask many former Cafe World players, they'll likely tell you that the constant stream of new catering orders…
In what could be the worst timing ever, Kris Kringle (Santa, if you prefer) has fallen into a mid-life crisis in Cast…
It's time for another chapter in FarmVille's Mistletoe Lane saga, and we're ready for Chapter 4 in the tale of Nick…
It sure is fun to cook on ChefVille's many appliances, especially now that we have a Mayonnaise Dispenser for…
While FarmVille 2 players are already encouraged to purchase a variety of Thanksgiving themed items in the game's…
Today marks the free launch of Mistletoe Lane in FarmVille for those players that didn't pay Farm Cash to get to the…
In addition to the general cross-promotion that's available to complete between CityVille and CityVille 2 on…
With any new tree or crop release in FarmVille 2, players can expect a set of crafting recipes to be released as…
Late last week, we speculated that ChefVille players would soon be greeted with a Thanksgiving event. While our poll…
FarmVille's Mistletoe Lane expansion won't be available for free until November 19, but if you've already made your…
As Animal Week continues in SimCity Social, players can complete not only a set of "Accidentally on Porpoise" quests…
While the first portion of the Jamie Oliver Food Revolution event may have expired in ChefVille, that doesn't mean…
Looking for a way to earn more Mastery Stars in ChefVille without cooking some of the more difficult dishes? You can…
If you're willing to spend some Farm Bucks for limited edition trees in FarmVille 2, you can now craft three new…
If you're running out of animal population room on your farm in FarmVille 2, but aren't satisfied with simply…