Because it’s over. We’re never getting anything as pefect as Omar Diego Milla’s take here on Tyrion Lannister.
Hong Kong toy company threezero will be releasing this 33cm Sandor Clegane figure later this year.
Karakter, a German studio who have worked on games like Black Ops III, the last Killzone and Ryse, also got to once…
Because giants aren’t real and hurting actual horses is bad, the production team behind Game of Thrones had some…
Xbox could have gone so many ways with this limited edition giveaway. Model it on a castle, or a sigil, or a city.…
*checks watch* OK, I think it’s been long enough now since the episode aired that we can post these. [stragglers be…
The season six finale of Game of Thrones was one of the strongest hours in television history, a relentless episode…
In the wake of that BATSHIT season finale of Game of Thrones, join me and Kirk for a bonus episode of Kotaku…
After Sunday’s episode of Game of Thrones, I think it is safe to say that Jon Snow got the play of the game, eh? (Spo…
After years of portraying a heroic bastard on Game of Thrones, Kit Harington takes a turn at being a right bastard…
Fanfic writers aren’t the only ones penning Game of Thrones/The Witcher crossovers. Developer CD Project Red slipped…
On this latest “Clueless Gamer” segment, Conan faces off against the House of Lannister and the shiny butts of Overwa…
Ginny Di, already the world’s best Arya Stark cosplayer, has updated her look to match the character’s blind and…
That sure was an episode of Game of Thrones, huh? As it turns out, at least one guy saw the ending coming.
HBO has been going after Game of Thrones pirates for years now, but this week things took a turn for the weird when…
One scene on last night’s episode of Game of Thrones might require some explanation for people who haven’t read the…
Damn. That sure was one hell of a Game of Thrones episode, huh? (SPOILERS AHEAD!)
The Great Pyramid of Meereen, as depicted in the Game of Thrones TV show, as depicted in Minecraft. It’s as far from…
In the first book of George RR Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire, Eddard Stark faces a near-impossible choice: Should…
Just time in for the upcoming season 6 premiere, here’s Moleskin doing a stop-motion version of the opening credits…