Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 wants you. It wants your friends. It wants to chew you and spit you out a walking,…
There once was a small hobbit that left the Shire on a grand adventure, performing brave deeds and overcoming…
Desperately attempting to please two different sets of fans on Sonic the Hedgehog's 20th anniversary, Sega has…
Normally on the day after the review embargo for a major video game release is up sites like Metacritic are flooded…
On November 1, Nathan Drake ventures into the hidden depths of the Earth to capture the most elusive treasure he's…
Did you know Batman: Arkham Asylum holds the Guinness World Record for 'Most Critically Acclaimed Superhero Game…
For nearly two decades fans of arcade-simulation jet combat have found safe haven in Namco Bandai's Ace Combat…
As the proud owner of a 1995 Nissan Pathfinder in dire need of a new manifold, I feel unqualified to say much more…
Yes, I'm remixing lines from Dylan Thomas' "Do not go gentle into that good night", but only because game…
In 2009, From Software introduced gamers to a whole new world of pain with the PlayStation 3 exclusive Demon's Souls…
Go ahead. Look the grizzled, battle-scarred Marcus Michael Fenix in the face and tell him his third game sucks. You…
Relic Entertainment has proven time and time again with its Dawn of War real-time strategy franchise that it has a…
Should you spend your vacation time on Techland's Dead Island? Normally in this situation looking at a range of…
After spending more than a decade slowly morphing into Grand Theft Auto, Ubisoft's Driver franchise a metaphysical…
The invasion is over, the Chimera have won, and the end of humanity is nigh. But wait? What's that cresting the…
If the assembled video game reviewers were a lazier bunch, they'd simply release a short blurb with each new Madden…
In the year 2000, Ion Storm unleashed the perfect marriage of futuristic shooter and skill-based role-playing in Deus…
With a striking art style and a story based off of an ancient Jewish religious work, Ignition's El Shaddai:…
Catherine first caught gamers' eyes last year largely due to sexy half-naked images of its title character. Months…
As players prepare to lead Detective Cole Phelps through the seedy underbelly of 1940's Los Angeles, game reviewers…