Why on earth would you want to swap out your HP and MP?
Lower a foe’s defenses or attack power, turn them to stone, or put them to sleep with these magical orbs
These orbs will give you an advantage on your foes, transform them into items, and much more
The latest and greatest games got you feeling frustrated? We’re here to help.
You’ll need to exploit more than a few enemies’ magical vulnerabilities in Rebirth. Here’s the materia to get the…
At least for your first time around, consider going with sharper fidelity over speedier famerate
Improved combat abilities, difficulty options, and new graphics settings headline a list of needed updates
Which decisions should you make when facing off against Varvados and Garm?
Why are there rocks if the chocobos just ignore the damn things?
Here’s how to land a date night with our melee brawler
Cloud and the gang's journey to this forested region is a pain the ass
Protect your party, up their attack power, or find more efficient ways to raise ATB or Synergy gauges with these…
Keep your party in fighting condition with these restorative materia
Are you done crying yet? No? Well, let’s discuss what the hell happened
The ladies of Remake have really been hitting the gym lately
Nobuo Uematsu said he thought about Sephiroth all day for weeks when writing the villain's motif
Square Enix is considering adding new cards to Queen’s Blood after positive feedback
The ocean holds many treasures and secrets, if you’re up for a bit of sailing
It’s hard enough to find these darn cactuars without everyone shouting “Hang Loose” in your ear
Come for the side quests, stay for the breathtaking views and the stories they tell