Indie Game: The Movie is an upcoming documentary focusing on the trials, tribulations and processes behind some of…
Perspective-shifting platformer Fez isn't just one of the best-looking indie games on the way. It's one of the…
The lovely looking Fez is (we really, really hope) coming to Xbox Live Arcade some time in 2011, according to its…
Polytron's Fez, an Xbox Live Arcade game we were really hoping to play in early 2010, is now due during the new…
Wow. Fez! It's been a while since we've seen your dimension twisting gameplay in action. Thankfully, the oft-delayed…
Game designer Phil Fish showed off his upcoming game Fez at the Austin Game Developer's Conference. It was the…
Can't say I watch G4's Electric Playground that often. And by that, I mean never. Which explains why I missed this…
Polytron's Fez is coming (finally!) to Xbox Live Arcade next year, the independent developer announced today. Yes,…
A fantastic looking game (Fez) needs a fantastic looking shirt (this). Though, we wonder what happens if you rotate…
It could've gone another way. Everything depends on perspective. There are different angles and other choice. Life…
We're excited about Fez. If you've seen previous trailers for Fez, you'll be excited about it too. But once you've…
A mysterious picture popped up on the website for Independent Festival Awards winner Fez, leading some to believe…
At last year's GDC, the trailer for indie title FEZ garnered much attention — and an IGF award. Well, that was last…
Developer Polytron is best known for the upcoming Fez, but Polytron's Phil Fish (pictured) says the dev has…