You might go to a movie based on the names of the people in its ensemble cast. Recently I was given reason to wonder…
Part of what's got me so interested in Brink is the game's visuals. A pinch of Crackdown, a dash of Mirror's Edge,…
We may still have a little trouble describing the game, but trust us, Brink is shaping up nicely. As is the game's…
Ever walk into a room and get stuck on a table? No? How about in a video game? If so, Paul Wedgwood has a solution…
Paul Wedgwood, fervent gamer turned bold game designer, believes he has identified the greatest experience a player…
Splash Damage's 2010 squad-shooter Brink wowed our Luke Plunkett at E3. Here at QuakeCon, a public demo of the game…
Rage showcase? Check. Non-alcoholic drinking contest? Confirmed. Bethesda crashing the party? Uh-huh. This site…
When you think Bethesda, you think sprawling role-playing games, open worlds full of quests, and monsters, and…
A few days ago a trademark for "Brink" popped up from developer Bethesda. What is "Brink"? It's a game, and this…