Hello, Internet! Welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating advice column that can calculate the exact Twinkie…
Hello Internet! Welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating advice column that's short on bullshit, tall in…
Hello Internet! Welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating advice column written entirely with a Valyrian steel…
Hello, Internet! Welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating advice column with a gamerscore that's over 9000.
What's up, Internet? Welcome to the latest installment of Ask Dr. NerdLove, the dating advice column that…
Online dating, romance at cons, asking out the girl at the GameStop—it's a wild world out there for the geek who…
What's up, everyone? Welcome to the latest installment of Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating advice column that…
What's up, Kotaku? Welcome to the latest installment of Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating advice column that knows…
What's up, Kotaku? Welcome to the latest installment of Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating advice column that…
What's up, Kotaku? Welcome to the latest installment of Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only advice column dedicated to…
What's going on, everyone? Welcome to the latest installment of Ask Dr. NerdLove, the greatest nerd love-advice…
What's going on, everyone? Welcome to the latest installment of Ask Dr. NerdLove, dedicated to solving your dating…
What's going on, Kotaku? Hello and welcome to the first installment of Ask Dr. NerdLove, an advice column…
Looking for advice on your love life? Good news! Kotaku is bringing on the one and only Dr. Nerdlove for a recurring column answering your questions about love, life, and dating. He's taking questions for his first column via email, so send him queries at doc@doctornerdlove.com and put the word "Kotaku" in the subject.