You can feel it. Flowers are blooming, bees are buzzing, and spring is in the air. Oh, and there’s a new season of…
You can feel it. Flowers are blooming, bees are buzzing, and spring is in the air. Oh, and there’s a new season of…
Track: God Knows... | Artist: Aya Hirano | Album: Suzumiya Haruhi no Tsumeawase
Starting April 16, a special Sailor Moon exhibition opens in Tokyo to celebrate one of Japan’s most successful manga…
Because of course it is.
Camera placement is everything in CG animation. Everything.
Imagine, if you will, a world where nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons were all rendered obsolete by nearly…
Here are some aesthetically perfect Dragon Ball fan-pics by NicoTheSane, who remade four well-known locations from…
Irem’s 1987 side-scrolling arcade shooter R-Type comes to life in one man’s loving fan-made tribute.
Twitter user ujr50138 has uploaded some images showing how photos can be turned into anime stills, thanks to the…
With five main games and four meaty spin-offs, the only thing surprising about Ace Attorney getting an anime is that…
The newest Super Saiyan form is Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan. Which sounds silly, yes. That’s why, as Kotaku…
We’re talking looks here. Square Enix just began streaming a Final Fantasy XV anime, so let’s see how the anime…
Announced at tonight’s Uncovered event, Brotherhood: Final Fantasy XV is a free five-episode anime prequel being…
What happens when the world’s greatest thief gets married? A whole lot more than he bargained for.
The new Danganronpa 3 anime will be split into two parts. The new promo trailer, however, is filled with game spoilers, so jump ahead to 3:07 to skip those.
If this was on television when I was an eight year-old kid, I’m certain it would be my favorite thing ever.
This will be difficult to top. Expensive, too.
In Japan, the Dragon Ball energy attack is called “Kamehameha.” In the U.S., it’s Kamehameha. In Germany, it’s…
As the winter 2016 season comes to a close, let’s look at some of the best anime theme songs it had to offer.