Rap and anime are like salt and caramel—not an intuitive match, but a delightful one. Most referenced among rap…
Rap and anime are like salt and caramel—not an intuitive match, but a delightful one. Most referenced among rap…
Did you like the One-Punch Man anime? Good news, because they’re making another season.
This might be one of the best Vegeta costumes you can buy. That is, if it doesn’t rain.
Here’s your first brief look at Scarlett Johansson in motion in the new Ghost in the Shell movie, pointing guns and…
Animator Quack Attack published a Berserk parody animation that, many views later, is still making me giggle like an idiot. “Welcome to Berserk” has protagonist Guts stoically standing still as horrible things happen around him, infinitely, forever. Take a look:
Kyoto Animation is one of Japan’s most famous anime studios. Besides its shows, the studio is famous for another…
Like the Gintama anime? Good news, they are doing a new season. The premiere date hasn’t been announced yet, so no word on that.
Mob Psycho 100 is definitively the shit. It’s true. One tablespoon psychic kid, a quarter cup charlatan exorcist,…
Sick of Disney? Anime movies can provide a great alternative for young viewers, opening up new cultures and ideas.…
Season 1 of Berserk’s 2016 adaptation concludes today with the announcement that Season 2 is coming in Spring, 2017, Crunchyroll reports.
In upcoming anime movie A Silent Voice, a deaf girl and the boy who bullied her meet again after many years. Premiering in Japanese theaters tomorrow, A Silent Voice looks like a beautiful story of isolation, empathy and redemption. Subtitles for the deaf will accompany the film in select Japanese theaters. Check out…
As Kotaku previously reported, yes, there is a new Pokémon TV series. A new Pokémon anime means one thing: changes…
At this year’s Tokyo Game Show, there is a VR experience in which players touch a mannequin set-up that uses capaciti…
It’s called Resident Evil: Vendetta and will be out spring 2017 in Japan.
There is a new Pokémon anime series. It’s based on the upcoming 3DS title Pokémon Sun and Moon and called, wait for…
Next February, a new animated Lupin feature opens in Japan. Titled Lupin The IIIrd: Chikemuri no Ishikawa Goemon (Goemon Ishikawa’s Spray of Blood), the flick will center around Lupin’s samurai buddy, Goemon.
A Japanese chiropractor thinks he knows why Freiza lost to Gokku in Dragon Ball Z. And what is said reason? Bad…
Pika. Pika, Pika. While Pikachu’s vocabulary might seem limited, its impersonations aren’t.
Just imagine. This last thing you see before falling asleep, is this dude.