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The Drippiest Splatoon 3 Players We've Seen So Far

The Drippiest Splatoon 3 Players We've Seen So Far

From power armor-wearing inklings to witchy octolings, Nintendo’s ink ‘em up is populated with some fresh fits

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Inklings and Octolings from Splatoon 3 are about to shoot each other up in their best drip.
I wonder where Splatsville’s runway is...
Image: Nintendo

If you’ve spent any amount of time sauntering around Splatoon 3’s new hub world of Splatsville, then you’ve undoubtedly seen some of the drippiest fashion known in this city of inky chaos. No joke, the fits are so clean—and so bizarre—that I couldn’t help but chronicle the best of the best. From the ubiquity of school uniforms to the preppiest getups, I’ve collected 10 of the freshest digs I’ve seen in my time with the colorful ink ‘em up.


Read More: Everyone Cares About Splatoon 3 More Than You Think

Fashion has always been a prominent component of Splatoon, especially because the gear you dress your squid kid in directly affects your overall stats. Clothing can do things like increase your ink reserves so you can throw more paint or beef up your defenses against ink so you can tank more damage. You can find out the abilities each piece of gear bestows at the shops located within Splatsville where you can buy, upgrade, and trade in apparel using in-game money.

Cash isn’t the only way to unlock garments, though. As was the case with OG Splatoon, the threequel features Amiibo support, which is a nice way of saying that some of the best—or drippiest—clothes in the game are locked behind you owning specific Amiibo. Murch, the hot sea urchin who can order some gear at a pretty high premium, can’t help you out here.

Read More: Splatoon 3's Most-Hated Gun Needs To Go, Players Say

Still, the threads on display in Splatsville are incredibly eye-catching. In the slides that follow, you’ll see an eclectic mix of styles, including creepy Chuck-E-Cheese-like mascots and folks who look like Brotherhood of Steel rejects from the Fallout series. Plenty of people are reliving ‘90s-era fashion with some bold colors. And there’s this one pair of dressy shoes everyone’s wearing that you can only cop from the Inkling Girl Amiibo. It’s a bummer, but the outfits folks have put together are dope. So, let’s check out some squid drip:

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The Blingy Octoling

The Blingy Octoling

Image for article titled The Drippiest Splatoon 3 Players We've Seen So Far
Screenshot: Nintendo / Kotaku

The huge chain, blingy bracelets, and chained loafers make for a blinding fit.

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The Lumbersquid

The Lumbersquid

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Screenshot: Nintendo / Kotaku

I love this squid’s nonchalant vibe, and the fit they’re wearing totally matches.

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The Popular Squid

The Popular Squid

Image for article titled The Drippiest Splatoon 3 Players We've Seen So Far
Screenshot: Nintendo / Kotaku

The baggy socks coupled with the school uniform create this juxtaposition between preppy and lazy that I just seriously can’t get enough of.

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The Chuck-E-Cheese Reject

The Chuck-E-Cheese Reject

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Screenshot: Nintendo / Kotaku

This is terrifying. That is all.

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The Octo-Matrix Squid

The Octo-Matrix Squid

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Screenshot: Nintendo / Kotaku

Watch out, Neo! You’ve got some competition in the Matrix, and it’s this squid.

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The Iron Squid

The Iron Squid

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Screenshot: Nintendo / Kotaku

I lowkey thought about labeling this “The Power Ranger Squid,” but when my partner said Iron Man, I died. That’s exactly what this looks like, minus the school uniform, and I’m here for it. Talk about not concealing your identity.

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The Missy Elliot Backup Dancer

The Missy Elliot Backup Dancer

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Screenshot: Nintendo / Kotaku

If Missy Elliot were a squid, this is what she’d wear. I mean, it even lowkey looks like something from her “She’s a Bitch” or “The Rain” music videos.

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The Brotherhood of Steel Wannabe

The Brotherhood of Steel Wannabe

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Screenshot: Nintendo / Kotaku

I mean, what else is there to say here? The power armor’s so big on the squidling, I have no idea what’s going on. And that makes it so eye-catching.

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The Basic Bitch

The Basic Bitch

Image for article titled The Drippiest Splatoon 3 Players We've Seen So Far
Screenshot: Nintendo / Kotaku

It might be basic, but sometimes, less is more. And in this case, the colors of the shirt, plus the earth tones in the hat and shoes, make for a complimentary fit.

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The Vintage Squid

The Vintage Squid

Image for article titled The Drippiest Splatoon 3 Players We've Seen So Far
Screenshot: Nintendo / Kotaku

With those big-ass headphones, I’m expecting this squidling is listening to something like 2Pac or Nas. That vintage anorak jacket is also hella clean and the colors are too on point. This is a really well-put-together outfit. I’m jealous.
