Last year, I said 2022 was an odd year for games, with some feeling that it was largely devoid of great releases and others, myself included, finding them plentiful. But this year was even stranger, as it was better than ever while simultaneously being the worst in a long time.
2023 will likely be remembered as one of the best years in video game history, up there with stand-out years like 2004 and 1998. These past 12 months have brought incredible big and small games across every genre and platform. And yet, while we were celebrating one of the best years in video game history—with memorable releases nearly every month—we were also watching the people who made those awesome games get laid off en masse.
I follow a lot of developers on social media and by my count about half of them lost their jobs this year. Those who didn’t all have close friends or colleagues who did. As the holiday season comes to an end and we enter the new year, a whole lot of talented people are looking for work in an industry that, thanks to corporate mergers and greed, feels smaller and smaller. So while I’m about to praise and cheer on 10 games (and celebrate some honorable mentions), it should be noted that the people who made these games deserve better, and the execs in charge need to be less shitty to the human beings they employ. Now, on to the list!
Here are my top 10 games of 2023 as well as some honorable mentions. As usual, this list is in no particular order until the very end, where I’ll drop my personal favorite game of the year!