Ever since its 2004 debut on GameCube, Resident Evil 4 has been one of the highest points in Capcom’s long-running survival-horror series. Its fresh third-person camera perspective and more action-oriented gameplay meshed perfectly with the careful resource management and horrifying creatures the series was already known for. And now, following remakes of the second and third games, Resident Evil 4 has received its own stellar revamp that has only reinforced the game’s excellence.
But Leon and Ashley’s trip through a parasite-ravaged villa in Spain eventually comes to a close. So what to play next? As a monumentally influential third-person action game with an emphasis on shooting, virtually every third-person action game on almost all platforms since 2004 has aspects which you can trace back to RE4. So on one level, you could basically jump into nearly any decent third-person action game these days and find some similarities.
Read More: 16 Of The Best Action Games You Can Play In 2023
But after the excellence of Resident Evil 4 you don’t want to play just any old thing, you want something similarly great. So, read on for some other fantastic games to consider as a follow-up to that wonderful remake, including a few that might make for a welcome change of pace.