We love Pokémon. We think they’re gorgeous. But not all Pokémon are equal. Some are absolutely, unequivocally, awful. Here are the top ten Pokémon that make me want to shiver off my own skin.
Now, a lot of people will point out that such things are subjective. What’s a hideous pocket monster to one person might be adorable to another. So let’s get it straight before we start: No.
There’s a line. There’s a limit to what’s tolerable. And if you, because you’re downright strange, think that Beldum is the most gorgeous little, um, metal tube, then good on you. You be you. And we’re not throwing the usual characters under the bus here—there’s nothing wrong with Sawk and Throh! But this is a collection of the creatures that are just flat-out intolerable, and dissent will not be tolerated.
Oh, and before we start, a massive thanks to Bulbagarden, the amazing Pokémon wiki that collates information about everything imaginable to do with the franchise, as well as collecting all the Pokédex entries.