Pokémon’s ninth-generation games, Scarlet and Violet, are about to have their sunset moment with the release of the Hidden Treasure of Area Zero epilogue on January 11. With that generation nearing its end, the future of the series is naturally a major topic of discussion. It’s unlikely that Pokémon’s Gen 10 game will launch in 2024, as the series is typically on a three-year cycle for each generation, so we’re probably due for a spin-off this year to fill the gap. But we can still dream about what a hypothetical Gen 10 game looks like. It feels like Scarlet and Violet were very much the testing grounds for the future of the series, as well as a possible final straw for fans’ patience with the state of these games. So with all this in mind, here are a few predictions, hopes, and dreams for what we’ll see in the next generation of Pokémon RPGs.

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