I don’t blame you if you believe all M. Night Shyamalan movies are just 90-minute setups for a twist you never saw coming (and probably didn’t want to see). I wouldn’t blame you because the man has revealed a child’s closest confidant was actually dead the entire time, the old couple watching a young brother and sister are actually escaped mental patients and not their grandparents, and people are rapidly aging because they’re on an island used for a pharmaceutical experiment. Again, I wouldn’t blame you for seeing Shyamalan as a plot twist merchant, but he would.
“[A common misperception of me is] that all my movies have twist endings, or that they’re all scary. All my movies are spiritual and all have an emotional perspective,” Shyamalan said in a 2008 interview with The Independent.
Regardless of what you or the acclaimed director thinks, his twists are his cinematic fingerprint that’s left a lasting impression on the minds of generations of moviegoers. Before he brings his 17th film to theaters, let’s reflect on the twists that annoyed us, shocked us, and left us questioning what the hell we watched.