Whether it’s from Mass Effect, Final Fantasy, or an obscure party game from the aughts, you’ve had a crush on a video game character at some point in your life, right? And since it’s the season of love, we want to bring back our 2023 Pride piece to focus on the game characters we fell for during our combined decades of gaming.
Many of us started playing video games during crucially formative years—when we learn a lot about ourselves, our interests, our personalities, and our gender and sexual identities. Maybe you found yourself lingering a bit longer than normal on Cortana in Halo 2 scenes, or agonized over who to romance in a Dragon Age game. Perhaps a specific character’s gender expression helped you understand more about yourself. Whoever they are, and whatever the reason, these characters opened our eyes to greener, gayer pastures.
We know about gay video game characters, like Ellie in The Last of Us, and several people in the Life is Strange franchise, but what about video game characters that made you gay? Let’s take a look.