In this house, we don’t like to pit two strong women against each other. That includes Ellie and Abby from The Last of Us Part II. Well, except for that part in the game where they are literally pitted against one another, but I digress. In The Last of Us Part II Remastered, both our heroines get new skins alongside the No Return roguelike mode, creative team commentary, and the freeplay guitar mode packaged in with the remaster. This includes some video game t-shirts based on Sony first-party games from over the company’s long history, and third-party games that Naughty Dog must have secured the rights for. With this fun new addition to an otherwise somber game, I’m wondering: who do y’all think has the better video game taste between Ellie and Abby?
While The Last of Us takes place in a post-apocalyptic world, video games still exist in it. Part II reveals that Ellie plays video games because she has a PlayStation 3 in her home in the Jackson stronghold. A woman is shown playing a PlayStation Vita during Ellie’s revenge tour in Seattle, as well. So while parts of popular culture are dying out, video games seem to be alive in small pockets of this universe. However, if you want to get real annoying about it, most of the games Ellie and Abby are repping here would never have been made in The Last of Us’ timeline, given the apocalypse happened in 2013. So how did Ellie get a Death Stranding shirt when Kojima was hard at work on Metal Gear Solid V? Magic, probably.
Anyway, no more trying to point out plot holes. Whose video game collection would you rather be stuck with in the post-apocalypse, Ellie or Abby?