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Please Enjoy The Silliest Game Ladder Climbing Animations We Could Find

Please Enjoy The Silliest Game Ladder Climbing Animations We Could Find

Not even Batman is immune to looking weird while making his way up a digital ladder

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Ladders! They are a lot like stairs, but flat and vertical and without any steps. Actually, wait, I guess they aren’t that similar to stairs. I guess I’m not a ladder expert! And it seems plenty of video game characters are similarly not very good at ladders. It’s okay. We all have our flaws.


This list was directly inspired by a fantastic viral tweet by game developer Antonio Freyre who helped introduce the world to the ridiculous way Batman climbs ladders in the game Batman Begins. Inspired by that, I looked around and found some other memorably silly and weird video game ladder animations. Yes, this is one of the most specific and strange things I’ve worked on in my years at Kotaku. What can I say, I just wanted to share these bizarre ladder-climbing animations with you all. I hope you enjoy!

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Batman Begins

Batman Begins

Let’s start the list off with the ladder climb that inspired all of this. I’m not sure why the developers behind the video game adaptation of Batman Begins decided to make the caped crusader climb up ladders like a Muppet on a mission, but I’m very grateful. Thank you all so much for this gift.

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Enter The Matrix

Enter The Matrix

Here’s a ladder-climbing animation I fondly (?) remember from my youth. I played far too much Enter The Matrix as a young teenager and I distinctly remember being confused by the way characters in the game waddled up ladders. And in 2023…yeah, still perplexed by this one. I’ll blame a glitch in the simulation.

Mamad Nobari
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Half-Life 2 (And most other Valve games)

Half-Life 2 (And most other Valve games)

Valve is famous for creating intricately detailed worlds that players explore for years and years. Yet, Valve really doesn’t give a shit about ladders. In nearly every Valve-developed game, characters all slide up and down ladders as if they’re attached to a zipline or wearing a jetpack. It’s weird, but I get it. Making games is hard and ladders are notoriously tricky to do right. So a good option is to just not worry about it.

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Charlie’s Angels

Charlie’s Angels

You might be familiar with the famous ladder sequence in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. It’s a great moment and worthy of being remembered. But let’s not forget the second best “This Ladder Is Too Long” moment, this one found in Charlie’s Angels on the PS2. Not only is this climb nearly a minute long, but it looks horrible as the angel awkwardly slides up the rungs, barely making contact with them. At least the rest of the game is good. Wait, I’m being told something…oh.

Christian MJ Gaming
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Into The Flames

Into The Flames

Firefighter simulator Into The Flames recreates everything you’d expect, including driving a firetruck, shooting water at flames, and of course: awkwardly sliding up a ladder as if your body is ashamed of what’s happening. Wait, is this not how all firefighters climb ladders? Learn something new every day!

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Call of Juarez

Call of Juarez

I can’t make a list of silly ladder moments and animations without including a genuine classic: Laddergoat. Someone was playing Call of Juarez and saw a goat. They pushed the goat toward a ladder and accidentally created one of the best videos on the web. “Oh Laddergoat, you’re so random” indeed.

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Goat Simulator

Goat Simulator

Goats + ladders = funny, apparently. However, unlike Laddergoat who floats up the ladder as if being taken away by God himself, the goat in Goat Simulator climbs up the ladder. Well, “climb” is one way to describe what’s happening here.


Do you remember any more weird or silly ladder-climbing animations or ladder-related moments from other video games? If so, let us know below in the comments.
