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Star Wars Fans Weigh In On The Mandalorian And Grogu

Star Wars Fans Weigh In On The Mandalorian And Grogu

All your opinions on the upcoming Star Wars movie starring Pedro Pascal

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Two Star Wars characters bump fists together.
Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

Earlier this month, we asked you, dear readers, what you wanted to see in the newly announced The Mandalorian and Grogu movie based on the Disney+ series created by Jon Favreau. The answers were pretty varied, but we discovered two commonalities across most responses: readers want the film to be totally disconnected from the rest of the Star Wars fiction while providing a satisfying end to the dynamic duo’s storyline.


Read More: Kotaku Asks: What Do You Want To See In The Mandalorian And Grogu?

In a January 9 blog post announcing the project, director Favreau said it’s “extremely exciting” bringing Mando and Grogu—who’s not BabyYoda—to the big screen. We know production starts this year with Favreau, Kathleen Kennedy (Andor, Obi-Wan Kenobi), and Dave Filoni (Ahsoka, The Book of Boba Fett) all attached as producers. We don’t know much else, save for the confirmation that The Mandalorian is getting a fourth season, as Favreau said it’s already written.

At any rate, here are the thoughts Kotaku readers have about the upcoming Star Wars flick, The Mandalorian and Grogu.

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Something new and different for Star Wars

Something new and different for Star Wars

A Star Wars character holds a purple-glowing, spear-like weapon.
Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

I think what I want most is for it to tie into the rest of the Star Wars fiction as little as possible. And I’m a huge Star Wars fan! Seen all of Clone Wars and Rebels and love that stuff. But I enjoy The Mandalorian way more when he is meeting all these new characters, fighting new creatures, visiting new locales. The work Dave Filoni has done in the [Star Wars] universe is fantastic, but not everything has to be a continuation of Clone Wars and Rebels. Not everything has to tie into the larger narrative. Just let Grogu and Mando have their own original tale! — Kirksplosion

Honestly, what I’d love to see is a small-scale story set on a planet we’ve never seen before, with characters we’ve never seen before, and little to nothing to do with the Jedi or the Clone Wars storyline. The Cowboy Bebop movie but in Star Wars and with Mando and baby Yoda, basically. Alternatively, an entire movie about Werner Herzog’s character from season 1 would be entertaining. — VictorVonDoom

Just something standalone. I don’t need to see another “universe” starting up. — dolsh

Stand alone story that equals the quality of Rogue One. — magpie187

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Some space and time

Some space and time

A Star Wars villian stands between two Stormtrooper-esque characters.
Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

I’d like to see Disney learn the law of diminishing returns. What made Star Wars special was that the originals came out in 1977, 1980 and 1983. Other than the holiday special there was a decent chunk of time between each movie. There was also very minimal spin off material, Ewoks and Droids cartoon series’ and a few terrible Ewok spin off movies. Then next to nothing until Phantom Menace.

Again, well spaced movies for the prequels and not an over abundance of spin off material. Despite some of the quality being poor for the prequels, it still felt very special. Then we get the sequel trilogy... Suddenly the gaps between the movies drops to 2 years rather than 3 (which in my opinion is why it’s a general mess) I’m between the main movies we get spin offs (I love Rogue One by the way)... And then a constant stream of series. There’s just too much content, Star Wars feels like another franchise. It doesn’t feel special anymore. Lucas for all his failings understood that his cash cow needed to be looked after.

Disney [is] just flogging it for all it’s worth. They need to slow down! Because fatigue is very real. We’ve seen it in the MCU (which I personally never enjoyed, but people who did are now getting sick of it). Maybe put Star Wars on hiatus for 3 years. Let us catch up on things we’ve missed or just take a break...please.. I promise people will be more invested if this happens. — someone_else 

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Something that ends The Mandalorian’s story

Something that ends The Mandalorian’s story

A Star Wars character wields two pistols on a rocky terrain.
Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

I want to see a story actually end: no sequel bait, no spin-offs of a spin-off, just an actual end to whatever their narrative is supposed to be. If Disney won’t do that, than I just don’t care. — thetruegentleman

I suspect this movie means there won’t be any more seasons of the Mando TV show. At least I hope to Christ that’s what it means and is also the only thing I want to see from this movie - an end to The Mandalorian television series. — crimesdotgame

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Some background exploration of Mandalore, Yoda, and more

Some background exploration of Mandalore, Yoda, and more

Star Wars' Grogu sits in front of some space food.
Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

I really hope this movie is a chance to explore something that I’d love to see more of in Star Wars media, which is the seedy underbelly. Forget the Empire and the Rebellion, what are the ruthless gangsters, bounty hunters, smugglers, thieves, and assassins like in this world? We really haven’t seen more than a glimpse. /s — Killa K

I’d like to know backstory about Yoda’s race, but honestly it would probably be for the best that this never gets answered. After the narrative cluster-fuck that the sequel trilogy was, I am sure that they will mess this up. I will give George Lucas some credit for telling [Extended Universe] writers to avoid certain topics like Yoda’s race, the Clone Wars, etc. It keeps some mystery. — Bentbob

The reestablishment of Mandalore as the galactic homeland of Mandalorians, with its own independent self-ruling government and military force to protect it from alien (?) invasion. — Dr. Stephen Strange

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Something unexpected (?)

Something unexpected (?)

Star Wars' Grogu watches as flames rage in front of it.
Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

A video game tie-in. — Otterwise

