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Every Dino We Spotted In The Jurassic World Rebirth Trailer

Every Dino We Spotted In The Jurassic World Rebirth Trailer

Spinosaurus is back, a new weird mutant dinosaur is here, and is that a Velociraptor I see?

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Image: Universal / Kotaku

After months of teasing, Universal Studios finally released a trailer for Jurassic World Rebirth, the upcoming seventh film in the long-running dinosaur franchise. And yes, it includes plenty of dinosaurs.

Universal / Rotten Tomatoes

This entry in the series is a bit of reboot, though it doesn’t ignore the events of the last few films. Instead, all the characters from the last three Jurassic World movies are gone and replaced by new ones played by Scarlett Johansson, Mahershala Ali, and Jonathan Bailey. These three are searching for special dino DNA that could hold secrets to helping humanity. But first, before anyone can use that DNA, our team of new characters has to go to an island which was used as a research facility for the first Jurassic Park to poke some creatures (and eggs) with needles to get that ever-so-useful dino DNA.


And as you might expect with a Jurassic World trailer, there were a lot of dinosaurs in this first look at Rebirth! Here’s all the ones we spotted.

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Screenshot: Universal / Kotaku

This behemoth is the first dino we see in the trailer and is one of three “giant” creatures that have the special DNA our team of heroes must extract.

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Screenshot: Universal / Kotaku

Just to be clear: This Tyrannosaurs Rex isn’t the same one seen in the past movies, known by fans as “Rexy.” She is presumably still in the Biosyn refuge as seen in the last movie. And also she didn’t have tiger stripes. So this is a new king of the dinosaurs.

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Screenshot: Universal / Kotaku

Yeah, yeah, the whole spitting venom and fleshy-frill thing was made up for the movies, but whatever, I’m just happy to see this fan favorite predator back.

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Screenshot: Universal / Kotaku

This is another one of the three giants that the team need to extract some DNA from to save humanity. In the trailer they go after its eggs to avoid the creatures themselves. That goes poorly for them.

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Spinosaurus and Mosasaurus

Spinosaurus and Mosasaurus

Image for article titled Every Dino We Spotted In The Jurassic World Rebirth Trailer
Screenshot: Universal / Kotaku

Jurassic Park 3 fans rise up. Spino is back, but looking very different. They still have big fins on their backs, as seen in this overhead shot. And what dinosaur is that at the bottom of the frame...?

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Screenshot: Universal / Kotaku

Hey, it’s a Mosasaurus! While these big aquatic beasts have been a part of the franchise since the original Jurassic World, it’s still always cool to see them blast out of the ocean and chomp on some humans or other dinos.

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Image for article titled Every Dino We Spotted In The Jurassic World Rebirth Trailer
Screenshot: Universal / Kotaku

Yes, Jurassic Park 3 fans, this is what a Spinosaurus looks like in the new movie. While I think the design is still scary (and is more accurate), I do hope that somewhere in this movie the original Spino design from the third film appears once more. I mean, maybe that thing was a failed clone. That might seem far-fetched but keep scrolling.

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Image for article titled Every Dino We Spotted In The Jurassic World Rebirth Trailer
Screenshot: Universal / Kotaku

At one point in the trailer we see what looks like a classic Jurassic Park-era Velociraptor hanging out in a tank.

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Screenshot: Universal / Kotaku

Now, I believe the movie wants us to think this is a Velociraptor. It already showed you one in a tank, as seen a moment ago, and so it wants you to assume this is one of those. But I’m not convinced. Something about those feet, the color, and the way the trailer hides everything above the claws behind a shadow has me wondering if this is a Velociraptor or some other kind of raptor.

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Mutant Dinosaur

Mutant Dinosaur

Image for article titled Every Dino We Spotted In The Jurassic World Rebirth Trailer
Screenshot: Universal / Kotaku

Finally, let’s talk about the scariest and oddest “dinosaur” in the trailer. This thing looks like an alien monster and is likely the rumored “failed mutant clone” that has been referenced in various leaks over the last year or so.


There’s speculation out there that this is going to be called a D-Rex and might have four arms and some other weird mutations. Either way, its scary and might help make this Jurassic movie the first one in a long time that actually makes me shake a bit in my seat when it arrives in theaters July 2.

