Is that Zelda? FEMALE LINK? Is she playable in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild? Are people reading too much into this?
Tonight at The Game Awards, Nintendo showed off some brand new footage from Breath of the Wild, which will be out this spring for Wii U and Switch. First they showed this sleek trailer, which teases some sort of female character:
Lots of people are theorizing that this is a teaser for playable Zelda. Maybe it’s not. Who knows? Nobody! What we do know is that there’s a female character who’s dressed a LOT like Link, despite the fact that Zelda boss Eiji Aonuma has told Kotaku that you only play as a man in Breath of the Wild.
We also got to see reps from the Nintendo Treehouse playing through a tough forest section, which we’ll post as soon as we’ve got video. Update (10:47pm): Which is now!