When something carries a warning that it "will require your first born and a pint of your blood", you know it's going to be good.
User sheson over on the ENB forums has posted what he's calling the Skyrim Memory Patch. The full explanation is very technical, but the gist is that it frees up more memory for Skyrim to use, which means more mods, greater draw distances and more characters on-screen (and also, reportedly, less crashes as well).
Of course, the risk in doing this - and he's kind enough to warn you at every step of the way - is that in taking on the extra burden, you can screw up things like your saves.
A key part is the changing of the game's "ugrids" value. This is how the world draws and populates itself on your screen. By default, it's set to a low value. We've been able to get it higher for ages now - indeed, I finished the game first time with a higher ugrid number - but sheson's guide goes way past just that basic tinkering.
You can see the results in the screens below. What you're looking for isn't the texture quality (they're not the crispest screens), but just how much detail is being displayed and the range it's being displayed at.