If you’re a fan of action-RPGs, strategy games, or MOBAs, the Steam controller just became a much more viable…
If you’re a fan of action-RPGs, strategy games, or MOBAs, the Steam controller just became a much more viable…
Star Wars: Battlefront wants you to believe you’re in a Star Wars movie, but at heart it’s one of the…
Valve’s new Steam controller is a bold experiment: an attempt at fusing a PC mouse with a traditional console-style…
Today on Highlight Reel we have impossible dunks, sliding deaths, floating naps, Charlie Brown, and much more.
We Are Chicago was hardly the best game I played at PAX, one of gaming’s biggest gaming conventions, last month. It…
Metal Gear Solid V is a stellar game, with top-notch stealth action and a malleable world that leads to all sorts of…
For the past few days, I’ve done very little but play Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, a new video game made by…
Last year, before E3, and back when Dambuster Studios was still called Crytek Nottingham and hadn’t been sold to…
Midway through God of War III, the buff and surly protagonist Kratos is scaling along the outside face of a building…
While reading Nathan Grayson’s assertion that Batman: Arkham Knight should have borrowed Shadow of Mordor’s…