FireFilms' live action short got right not just the glitches, like the zombie bypassing walls, but also all the…
Open world single player / CO-OP survival sandbox game with zombies and wildlife.
FireFilms' live action short got right not just the glitches, like the zombie bypassing walls, but also all the…
I think Half-Life is one of the greatest video games of all time, which isn't a controversial opinion. Valve's…
In today's Highlight Reel we have some more GTA V moments, some of Far Cry 4's deadliest animals, a singing marine…
People ask us all the time whether they should buy a new-gen console? Should they get an Xbox One? A PS4? For a…
This War of Mine starts off feeling like the most depressing variation of The Sims ever, one where any happiness or…
If I were to sum up OneChanbara Z2: Chaos in four words, they would be “blood,” “swords,” “zombies,” and…
Over the past few weeks I've been playing the fanservice-filled hack n' slash zombie killing fest that is OneChanba…
Good news: Dragon Age: Inquisition is pretty great. Less-good news: Being a story-heavy role-playing game, it…
If it were to go down, Castle's Nathan Fillion and his wise, but no so serious words would come handy.