Sam Fisher is on the phone with his daughter. He's talking about his feelings. He's telling her he worries about…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Winds of Change
Lead The Rebellion, build your army, and shape the world with your choices. A story-heavy adventure game with multiple endings, romance options, and non-linear storytelling. A vast dark fantasy world waiting to be explored. Inspired by Dragon Age, and Mass Effect. Fully voice acted by a stellar cast!
Sam Fisher is on the phone with his daughter. He's talking about his feelings. He's telling her he worries about…
Is it stealing if Shinji Mikami steals from Shinji Mikami? Ponder that as you ponder the idea that Mikami, whose…
David Cage was nervous last Saturday night. And with good reason.
Months before I had played Dark Souls, I came across a list of things that players should finish up at the end of…
A gaming series that's been around for a quarter of a century winds up in a predicament. Change? Or don't change?
We like to talk about video games. A lot. Sometimes we do it on camera, like on The Gameological Society's The Digest video…
As the year winds to a close, it's becoming possible to get some perspective on just what happened in gaming this…
Someone somewhere has decided the best way to show off Dead Space 3, an EA game only four months from release, is to…
Swinging through the treetops certainly doesn't seem like a particularly colonial pastime. And yet reviewers seem…
It is one of the best video games of the year, one of the most daring developed by a major studio this generation,…