As part of its big PAX panel Volition just announced a new Saints Row. It's called Saints Row: Gat out of Hell,…
As part of its big PAX panel Volition just announced a new Saints Row. It's called Saints Row: Gat out of Hell,…
This video shows the ship using its front-locked cannons, launching broadsides, baiting enemies into fiery oil…
The amazing-looking He-Man game is still going strong. Head to where the side-scrolling smack-’em-up can be…
An Imgur user has put together reposted an exhaustive list of recurring characters in Elder Scrolls games—from Ar…
Microsoft's dream of a Kinect-controlled future has hit the skids. The Wii was basically a really, really long fad,…
Lock up your Playstation 4 copy of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Collector's Edition, which includes physical…
In your life, you've probably seen your share of dick doodles. But I can guarantee you've never seen any quite like…
Video game trailers are all lies, damned lies. If they show us gameplay at all, it's cut together in the most…
The guns are loaded, the chips are on the table: Just three nights remain until we find out, once and for all, how Br…
I’ve grown up — rather fondly, I might add — with Pokémon. Over the years the several different hundreds of pocket…