Autumn leaves fall. A cup of coffee cools near a window in the winter. And Ian Bogost has done something risky. He's…
About the game Western Death - is a 2D roguelike game with RPG and fantasy elements.
Autumn leaves fall. A cup of coffee cools near a window in the winter. And Ian Bogost has done something risky. He's…
Mario Party 2
Original platform: Nintendo 64
Publisher: Nintendo
Players: 1-4
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone) - Mild…
Christmas is a time for looking back at the year passed, processing what's been most important for you over the…
Booker Prize-winning author and famous fatwa target Salman Rushdie has a simple solution for how one should liberate…
Zombie bears. Desperate people who need rescuing. The great weapon of Holy Water. A flaming horse called War. A…
Who's going to fail in video games? Business blogger Nicholas Lovell has his opinions. It's a provocative list. See…
Warning: this episode of our nightly off-topic post, where anyone is welcome to comment on anything they want, might…
So many games, so many guns. Most are good, but some have to be the best, and it's only the best that we've decided…
How did I get to E3? How did I get a VIP pass? I don't even know. The idea was that I would walk up to E3 and,…
There are surprises in the first hour of Red Dead Redemption, the grand Western from the development house of Grand…