This October, God of War die hards will be able to get their hands on the United Cutlery replica Blades of Chaos…
This October, God of War die hards will be able to get their hands on the United Cutlery replica Blades of Chaos…
We've come into possession of a draft screenplay for the Gears of War movie. If you'd like to remain spoiler-free,…
It would take more than a double-jump, grappling hook and a screw attack to reach the lofty goal of being a new…
Today brings six new downloadable titles for Nintendo's various digital delivery platforms, including the release…
Fathers are easy to find in video games. When they're not antagonizing their offspring or killed off in the first…
Broken Steel is the last of three announced Xbox 360 and PC-exclusive expansions to Fallout 3, and the one that was…
Is there some game developer's guidebook that I don't know about? If so, I need to find it and tear out the page…
Online game developer Nitrogen has just announced L.A.W., a post-apocalyptic multiplayer online game for adults…
This morning Dylan Jobe announced that he and other members of Incognito Entertainment have left the company to…
Columbine: A True Crime Story offers a fresh perspective on the Columbine shooting, digging into the intricate web…