If you've played a role-playing game in the last several years, be it Mass Effect or The Elder Scrolls, chances…
If you've played a role-playing game in the last several years, be it Mass Effect or The Elder Scrolls, chances…
You could almost hear a hundred thousand viewers collectively hold their breath. Shen's ultimate move, Stand United,…
I went to Brooklyn, New York to visit Nina Freeman, who is currently making a game called Cibele. It is an…
In January of 2010, I decided to change my outlook on how I manage my gaming time, how I collect games, and how I…
I think I am starting to enjoy World of Warcraft. That was unexpected.
With the long-awaited release of Mario Kart 8, it's a great time to get a Wii U. Luckily, Target is running a nice…
We're bringing you the deals early today to get out of the way of Microsoft's presser, and even more scheduling info…
Have an Xbox? Like free money? Today Best Buy will sell you a $25 Xbox Gift Card for $20, and then throw in an…
Back when new-gen was known as next-gen, gamers and critics alike pondered and daydreamed about the kinds of…
Francis is the closest thing to a hardcore gamer I have in my life. He's the kind of guy that bought a DualShock 4…