A hacker says he used a bot to scam Taco Bell into sending him a PlayStation Vita during the "Unlock the Box"…
UnderMine is an action-adventure, roguelike with a few RPGish elements tossed in. (The good ones) Adventure deep into the UnderMine, discovering powerful relics, deadly enemies, and maybe a few friends to help along the way.
A hacker says he used a bot to scam Taco Bell into sending him a PlayStation Vita during the "Unlock the Box"…
Taco Bell is giving PlayStation Vitas to customers every 15 minutes — except when it isn't.
We've changed the way we review video games here at Kotaku. That makes this a perfect time to explain our approach…
The latest video game company to join the ranks of those opposed to the Stop Online Piracy Act is Riot Games,…
I have a friend, whose name is Mark Sorrell, who yesterday posted this column. It's probably worth going and reading…
They don't seem that similar aside from the fact they're printed on cards, and they were never really competition,…
Each week throws off several new video game lists ranging from the humorous to the trivial. What's better? A list of…
I'll never forget the only time I hit one out of the park, a 1-0 fastball that arrived letters high on a March…
The debate continues to rage (or perhaps it is at a smouldering point at the moment) as to whether or not video…