Marvel’s most important black superhero has evolved a lot over 50 years. The Black Panther has gone from being an…
In Under the Skin, players must cause as much chaos and panic as possible by taking on the identity of the various people he or she encounters throughout CoCo Town and other environments. Equipped with a special ray gun, gamers can scan and absorb the DNA of anyone they target. With this genetic material, Cosmi can take the form and attributes of anyone he's zapped. For example while in human form, sing a song only dogs could appreciate, causing those nearby to drop coins that must be collected. Catch them all as these coins are what Cosmi and his enemies are being judged on in order to return home. But beware; causing such disruption puts Cosmi in danger of being caught and having his true alien identity revealed.
Marvel’s most important black superhero has evolved a lot over 50 years. The Black Panther has gone from being an…
Hello, Internet! Welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating advice column that provides the FAQ to the dating sim…
Overwatch’s closed beta has been quite a ride. Between changes for the better, clever player strategies, and butts,…
Time flies. Skyrim has been out for nearly five years, giving its mod scene time to grow and change and then change…
Gamers have spent the past several months arguing over whether Dead or Alive’s third bikini-clad vacation simulator…
Amidst the pushcart vendors selling bacon-wrapped hot-dogs, religious leaders blasting damning sermons over…
On Wednesday’s episode of Face Off a group of special effect artists attempt to do something World of Warcraft…
While the explosive growth in popularity for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive has mostly made the Fnatics and the…
You want to explore other universes? Get under the skin of some weird, complicated, are-we-even-sure-they’re-human…
Far Cry Primal is frequently violent and occasionally, unexpectedly sweet. The caveman action game is an excellent…