CultureTwitchCultureTwitchOfflineTV Fandom Divided After Popular Streamer Thrown Out Over Abuse AllegationsRight now, if you digitally eavesdrop on any given conversation in the fandom surrounding OfflineTV, a beloved…ByNathan GraysonPublishedJuly 3, 2020
CultureCultureMuseum Experts Weigh In On Animal Crossing New Horizons’ MuseumIn order to get some museum experts to join me on a tour of Animal Crossing: New Horizons’ museum, I had to spend a…ByChase CarterPublishedMay 22, 2020
CultureKotaku Game DiaryCultureKotaku Game DiaryForget Murder Hornets, My Animal Crossing Island Is Drowning In Self-Inflicted FlowersAll I wanted was to try growing some of the neat hybrid flowers in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Little did I know…ByIan WalkerPublishedMay 13, 2020
Game TipsGame TipsHow To Protect Yourself From Unwanted SpoilersEarlier this week, massive spoilers for Naughty Dog’s hotly anticipated The Last Of Us Part II made the rounds. In…ByAri NotisPublishedApril 28, 2020
CultureCultureThe Doctor, The Disease, And The DivisionSoon after the coronavirus struck my busy Brooklyn hospital, I found myself caring for an older gentleman with…BySiddhartha BajracharyaPublishedApril 24, 2020
CultureTwitchCultureTwitch'OK, Boomer' Girl's Rise To Twitch Fame Was 'A Perfect Storm' Of Memes And PoliticsSeveral decades ago, at the beginning of March 2020, when Bernie Sanders was still in the race for president, a…ByNathan GraysonPublishedApril 8, 2020
CultureCultureAs Naughty Dog Crunches On The Last Of Us II, Developers Wonder How Much Longer This Approach Can LastSome developers at Naughty Dog continue to ask themselves a question that has haunted the studio for years: Is it…ByJason SchreierPublishedMarch 12, 2020
CultureTwitchCultureTwitchTwitch Apologizes For Suspending Debate Streamers Over Fake Copyright ClaimsYesterday evening, Twitch suspended a slew of high-profile streamers who, whether occasionally or full-time, cover…ByNathan GraysonPublishedFebruary 26, 2020
CultureCultureMore Bans Are On The Way To Combat Idle Players Farming Experience In Halo: Reach343 Industries says another wave of bans is on the way in response to the ongoing problem of players trying to farm…ByEthan GachPublishedJanuary 30, 2020
CultureTwitchCultureTwitchTop Streamers Are Leaving Twitch Amidst Big Money And Shady DealsLet’s say you’re an up-and-coming streamer. You’ve done it for a while and you make decent money, although you’re no…ByNathan GraysonPublishedJanuary 30, 2020