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About anonymous sources and Kotaku... Read more
Microsoft considered delaying some Xbox One launch games and even holding Halo 4 for their new console before…
The latest game in Nintendo's beloved action role-playing series is upon us, and while it contains many links to the…
Back at the summer season's halfway point, Servant X Service didn’t end up making my list of the five anime of…
The capes. The gadgets. The weird interpersonal relationships. The goats. Superheroes are straight-up absurd when…
Like many of the millions of Americans who got Grand Theft Auto V on or soon after its Sept. 17 release, I spent…
It began with an idea. David Cage sits at his desk, but he can’t write. He looks for an image. He can’t remember the…
War takes a terrible toll, not just in lives lost but in psyches shattered. Depression in the armed forces is…
On a Friday night in Logan Square, a dozen friends have gathered to play some video games. There aren’t enough…
A good video game can get a lot of mileage out of its premise. Lots of games sell themselves on some sort of…