Welcome new Diablo III players! You passed up the game on PC, held out for a more complete console edition, and…
Welcome new Diablo III players! You passed up the game on PC, held out for a more complete console edition, and…
The HGST Touro is one of the only 7200 RPM external hard drives out there, and the 1TB model is only $60 today,…
Earlier this month, I got a chance to fly up to Washington and try Bungie's upcoming sci-fi shooter, Destiny.…
The Sith Lord from The Phantom Menace sure seems like he'd be right at home in Drangelic, right?
When a new year starts, I go back and finish the previous year's Assassin's Creed. I spent early 2013 rediscovering AC III
What do recent and imminent releases Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, Battlefield 4, and Batman: Arkham Origins have…
Yes, the Galactic Empire, the one from the movies, was pretty bad. They dressed liked nazis, were super racist and…
There are two reasons the console port of Diablo III, announced by Blizzard last month and shown off at PAX East…
I am a very flawed individual. I am physically flawed, sure, but mostly when I say I am flawed I am referring to my…
Achievements and trophies added in yesterday's patch for the PC and PS3 versions of Borderlands 2 hint at a new…