You know how people like to use the word "rehash" to describe games? "Oh, that Call of Duty 44 is such a rehash."…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Tower of Fantasy
Embark together on your fantasy adventure! Set hundreds of years in the future on the distant planet of Aida, the shared open-world MMORPG, anime-infused sci-fi adventure Tower of Fantasy PlayStation, developed by Hotta Studio and Published by Perfect World Games will soon be on PlayStation globally. Players will be able to experience an anime-inspired post-apocalyptic sci-fi art style, freeform character development, and exciting combat through thrilling battles and exciting open-world exploration.
You know how people like to use the word "rehash" to describe games? "Oh, that Call of Duty 44 is such a rehash."…
I'm not particularly good at any video game genre, unless Tetris can be considered a genre all on its own. Naturally…
Level-5's newest game, Guild01, isn't really one game, but rather four games in one. Each of these games was created…
It usually takes a couple of years for good ideas from one game to seep into another.
Nintendo has an annoying tendency to keep games all to themselves. Over the past few years, the Japanese company has…
Thirty minutes. That's all I need. Thirty minutes to decide whether or not a role-playing game is worth playing.
It's hard not to get all wistful and teary-eyed when you watch these videos of Final Fantasy VI's various landmarks,…
Kickstarter is now officially a thing.
StarCraft II's next expansion, Heart of the Swarm is available for pre-order—at two different prices—so be sure to…
Sony has released a list of the first 275 PSP games that will be available to be downloaded or transferred onto…