You gotta love horror games with mysterious, haunted mansions. They work so well. You enter the estate, or wake up…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Tower of Fantasy
Embark together on your fantasy adventure! Set hundreds of years in the future on the distant planet of Aida, the shared open-world MMORPG, anime-infused sci-fi adventure Tower of Fantasy PlayStation, developed by Hotta Studio and Published by Perfect World Games will soon be on PlayStation globally. Players will be able to experience an anime-inspired post-apocalyptic sci-fi art style, freeform character development, and exciting combat through thrilling battles and exciting open-world exploration.
You gotta love horror games with mysterious, haunted mansions. They work so well. You enter the estate, or wake up…
The HD revamp of Final Fantasy X-2 looks quite nice in high-definition. However, looks aren't everything! It's…
It feels as though Nintendo's 3DS handheld game system has "arrived." Over the last few months, the library of 3DS…
I don't care for carrots. I don't enjoy eating carrots. Throughout my lifetime, the few times I would knowingly eat…
TBT: The Black Tower is an unashamed tribute to the late-1990s, when Final Fantasy games weren't afraid to toss…
The deadest genre just continues to get deader as three—yes, three!—new Japanese role-playing games hit U.S. shores…
DC Comics' story-driven fighter from NetherRealm Studios hits shelves on Tuesday, dominating a week lacking any…
This week's special late edition of the Week in Gaming Apps is brought to you by learning how to use an entirely new…
Back in January, Square Enix released Final Fantasy: All the Bravest, a game about getting as many Final Fantasy char…
BioShock Infinite, one of the
year's most anticipated releases, takes you to a new dystopia on
Tuesday. Luigi's…