Chrono Trigger is an upcoming book by Michael P Williams. It's...all about Chrono Trigger, looking at parallels…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Tower of Fantasy
Embark together on your fantasy adventure! Set hundreds of years in the future on the distant planet of Aida, the shared open-world MMORPG, anime-infused sci-fi adventure Tower of Fantasy PlayStation, developed by Hotta Studio and Published by Perfect World Games will soon be on PlayStation globally. Players will be able to experience an anime-inspired post-apocalyptic sci-fi art style, freeform character development, and exciting combat through thrilling battles and exciting open-world exploration.
Chrono Trigger is an upcoming book by Michael P Williams. It's...all about Chrono Trigger, looking at parallels…
Like a Phoenix from the ashes, Final Fantasy XIV simply refused to die. The re-released MMO is getting great reviews,…
Nintendo is offering 3DS owners a free digital copy of one of the most creative Zelda games ever made. The Legend of…
Can't believe this one is only a couple months away now. Take 20% with code Y2OZM7-MJ3VHD-0AVTI1 at GreenManGaming.
Finally. Cards Against Humanity is back in stock on Amazon, along with its second, third, and fourth expansions.…
This March will see the re-release of Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2 remastered in HD. But as this collection…
Amazon is offering up a Steam copy of Tomb Raider for a measly $9 today. If you still have any $5 editor's choice…
Your system deserves a better class of storage. We covered upgrading your Playstation 4 to a bigger and/or faster…
Amazon has kicked off their holiday game sale with a massive flood of digital game deals. You'll find a huge list of…
Come on back to today's Kotaku Deals, there's a great new Humble Weekly featuring Knytt Underground and Really Big…