My current least favorite part of the modern video game is when it tells me to stop having fun for a few minutes so…
A property-developing board game with a surreal sense of humor. A sequel was released in 1998 for the PlayStation.
My current least favorite part of the modern video game is when it tells me to stop having fun for a few minutes so…
I ended my tour of PAX East 2010 with two games vying for the title of Stephen's Favorite New Game At The Show. This…
You press a button; a character on the television screen jumps. You press the same button again, while the on-screen…
New Halo, new downloadables for Mass Effect, Fallout 3, and Grand Theft Auto, new Forza. It was a pretty good year…
Nintendo only adds four titles to the Wii and DS this week, with the Virtual Console passed up completely, but…
Whew. We've just dashed from Microsoft's hectic E3 presser to EA's, at the "historic" Orpheum in downtown LA. Shall…
This year we decided to try something different with our Game of the Year awards: The GOTYS. We came up with…
Version 1.1 of Fallout 3 for the PlayStation 3 is live in North America and the UK, adding in trophy support,…
Further proof that a Clock Tower movie is really happening and not some sort of strange fever dream, Senator…