All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Titan
Titan takes the Breakout concept and adds another dimension by allowing the object the player controls to be able to move on the Y-axis in addition to the old X-axis. The display will follow the small square which the player controls as it moves on a map where there are objects whom your goal is to make a ball hit. The player controls a small rectangle only slightly larger than the size of the ball itself and in addition to hitting the "bricks" to destroy them has to keep the ball away from dangerous hazards which will kill the ball if it hits.
It’s such a simple idea: Famous Japanese people unknowingly walking, running and falling into holes.
Txtbook specialises in armoured sci-fi cosplay. Think Mass Effect or, as you can see here, Destiny.
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The director of Final Fantasy XV says they haven’t worked with the new consoles from Microsoft or Sony yet. In fact,…
Demonstrated at Microsoft’s press conference today—yes, a JRPG at a Microsoft press conference!—here’s the Titan…
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The Geforce GTX 1080 tops the performance of the $1,000 Titan X card for $700. The Geforce GTX 1070 basically…
For close to a decade, details about the multiplayer game that Blizzard called Project Titan have remained secret…
After months of speculation and anticipation, Nvidia’s latest piece of hardware you put in your computer to make…
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