Imagine a world in which the Sombra Overwatch ARG never ends—a horror world where there are only unsolved mysteries…
The Lost Ship is a point and click adventure game from Lone Wolf Games.
Imagine a world in which the Sombra Overwatch ARG never ends—a horror world where there are only unsolved mysteries…
The ambitious MMORPG Star Wars Galaxies shut down servers in 2011 but the fan run servers of SWGEmu keeps an old…
The planets in No Man’s Sky are supposed to be, well, planet-sized. Most players will only see a small percentage of…
The last few games I played couldn’t be any more different from one another. The same goes for their varied,…
Star Wars Episode VII’s main story is great and all, but have you heard about how dashing Resistance pilot Poe…
As has become annual tradition, I sat down with Bungie at E3 last week for a frank discussion about the state of Dest…
Will World of Warcraft legacy servers ever happen? Are content updates going to drop more frequently? And when are…
Final Fantasy VII is as memorable as it is largely thanks to its multifaceted soundtrack.
Tony Temple has written one hell of a story about a “raid” on the The Duke of Lancaster, a beached and rotting…
Two weeks ago, at EVE Fanfest, a convention for players of space MMO EVE Online, I began hearing odd snatches of…